Sunday, February 19, 2012

yesterday gone, we got to keep moving on

Dear blogger, once again, after 1 and a half-month i had to stop thinking about him, and now he come back into my thought, after all the time I've got to move on by focusing on my PMR now he come back in my dreams. Knp ya Allah, maybe i'm just miss him tooo much, i'm stress, i'm busy, i'm tired,i'm exausted, and now i'm missing you A. There once a person who used to told someone, "IF YOU LOVE HIM, JUST TELL HIM HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HIM, NO MATTER WHAT WOULD HAPPEND, BUT IT'S REALLY WORTHY BECAUSE YOU HAVE EXPRESSED WHAT IN YOUR HEART TO HIM" but now, that girl who used to tell that, she could not do anything to tell him what she feels, and now, she is hurting.

Ya Allah, knp mia rindu sgt kat A? what have he done? entahlah, after mia bukak profile A, tgk gmbr gmbr dia, he is a very caring person, love kids, love family, more matured, that's what me makes me crazy about him. And when i saw my friends have their own Boyf, they're soooo lucky, having another man in their life who loves us just like our father, it's just sooo sweet , Ya Allah, jika diberi peluang utk hambamu ini, izinkanlah hamba mu ini utk berkasih sekali lagi ya Allah, insyaAllah hambamu ini akan menjaga lelaki yg dicintainya itu dgn sepenuh hati, insyaAllah, ada org tu prnh ckp, "Jika kita sygkn seseorg, jujurlah kepadanya, jika niat kita berkasih itu adalah utk kebahagiaan bersamanya di akhirat, insyaAllah cintanya akan diredhai" insyaAllah, I MISS YOU SO MUCH - A

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Hyeeeee, sorry for not updating you, too long, i've been missing you blog.Now, it's already February, time flies so fast, how's my new year? it sucks, with the new class, i'm like an alien in that class.AKWARD. Lagipun most of my time, tak boleh online sbb internet takde, then studyyyyy jelah siang smpai mlm, semua nya sbb PMR= Peperiksaan Menyusahkan Remaja. Apa apa jelah straight A's senang je korg ckp, mcm beli karipap goreng kat kedai cik Limah, susah tau, DoubleU (W) no mood, bye.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Superhero Malaya

Dear readers, how's you doin? having fun with your holidays ? for me, hmmm, cool lah jugak (Y)
now the funny thing and thing that i've never think about. All this week, mia asyik mimpi psl my superhero Malaya, who else, our National Football Team player, tak boleh belah -,- ntah mcm mana ntah, berturut turut pulak tu. First day, mia mimpi apek, second day, mia mimpi Muslim, third mia mimpi Apek balik and the next day, mia mimpi, mia main bola with player Mlaysia, and we won,hahahaha, kebanyakan mimpi mia, Apek je yg byk amik port, Khairul Fahmi Che Mat, abe klate, bhahaha, tak boleh belah, kita tak minat apek kay :p tapi dia yg paling byk dlm mimpi kita, phhhhffffttt, sriously mimpi mcm syiiookk betul. Maksud dsebalik mimpi tu ? who knows ? only Allah yg tahu maksud yg tersirat and yg trsurat, tapi most of it mia enjoyy sgt sgt mimpi tu (Y), hahahaha :D

Kay, now we have enter December, bila mia ingat balik, cepat sgt masa berlalu, ingat lagi dulu dulu, masa first time masuk sekolah pada tahun 2011, ingat lagi bila mia yg tentukan tmpt duduk S, M and K, S duduk belah kanan mia, even tak duduk satu meja, tapi mia suruh jugak dia duduk sblh mia, M pulak duduk depan meja mia, and K pulak duduk belakang meja mia, hahahaha, so funny, ktrg dah cop mohor dulu tmpt duduk. Then ingat bila subjek sejarah, ktrg dpt watak sendiri, mia jadi Sultan Ali tau, Sultan Ali, ayahanda kepada Sultan Abd Rahman and Sultan Hussin, if mia tak silap, bukannya mia update blog smbil tgk buku sejarah pon -,- hahaha, and almost 2 years i've been with my lovely friends, i love yall, hope we last till we get married and so on <3

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sweet Dreams :)

Hye readers, how are you? hope you've been good all the time.Did you have a sweet dreams last night ? for me is YES, i do have sweet dream. Last night, i had a dream, mia mimpikan A, OMG :O mcm mana tiba tiba boleh muncul A? mcm ni, haritu, A ada comment gmbr mia, he said all of my photos is beautiful, OMG OMG, gila lah, excited sgttttttttttttt bila dia comment gmbr mia, siap boleh bwk dlm tidur lagi tu, fuyooh lah mia, i'm so excited having you by my side Love <3 Okay, now cerita psl semalam pula, yesterday, my family and mia went to Port Dickson, finallyy !!! dpt pon keluar holiday with family, biasanya parents kerja je, then ktrg duduk rumah bosan.

AUMMMM AUMMMM <3 now cerita psl bola, Harimau Malaya kalah, 2-3 lwn dgn Bahrain, ni mesti sebab Muslim syg tak main ni, shian diorg, but it's okay Malaysia, we're here and will always support yall. Got to go, nak berangan Muslim jadi boyf mia and dia belikan mia jersey Malaysia (htm kuning)and blkg baju tu ada nama ' MiaMuslim ' and numb jersey tu 24, when mia asked Muslim knp numb 24, dia ckp, sbb tu numb jersey dia and and itu tarikh hari jadi mia, sweet en en ? hahahaha, hope it will do come true. Mia heart Harimau Malaya <3 teruskan mengaum, AUMM AUMMM <3 I Heart you MUSLIM AHMAD <3

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Being new me is so tired dude !

Hye blog, kay dah lame en mia tak update blog, too buzzzzyyy. I'm just wanted to shre some feeling with my blog. Hye A, if you read this, mia just nak ckp, good luck for your SPM !! hahaha, yeah, mia tak dpt wish dia, i don't know, maybe i'm too shy to talk to him :> whatever it is, mia sentiasa berdoa utk A kay, semoga 9A's berada dlm gengaman. I'm so sad when i'm think, if you get 9A's, i can't celebrate it with you, because 'me and you' we have NOTHING if i'm your girlfie, it would be really awesome! but since now A dah ada gf, i think i should back off, aite ?

The new Mia, hahaha, mia yg skrg mmg lagi baik dari dulu, i'am so evil. Knp kene brlakon kita tak rasa apa apa? kenapa mia tak rmps je A dari that " girl " mia pon tak tahu, maybe i'm just too kind smpai org pon ambil ksmpatan, aite ?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

good VS evil

Dear blog, last night, mia betul betul emosional, i don't know, after had an argument with my syster, i went to my room and started to cried. Mia nangis bukan sebab mia benci my syster, i just don't know, i'm to emosional after saw a couple. Actually, cerita dia mcm ni, smlm mia, B, F, M and K pergi sunway, kitrg skating :D meanwhile, masa mia skating, mia ada nmpk sorg mamat ni, dia handsome, awesome gila i think his age was about 16 or 18 smtg. But he's already has a girlfriend - i think so, because diorg rapat je - but diorg tak pgg tgn pon, diorg just mesra borak, mia pon tak sure diorg couple or not. But mia seriously suka kat lelaki tu, and when i saw the guy, i remebered A, that man was really just like A, he's nice just like A, he's funny just like A, he's handsome just like A and he's really put on work utk skating just like A too :') seriously, all day long mia rasa mia mcm tgk A. But that man has already had girlfriend, just like A :/

Back to the top, mia menangis because, i just think that myself is not worth to anybody. I don't know, mia rasa yang, knp mia tak pentingkn diri ? kenapa mia tak jahat ? kenapa mia suka jaga perasaan org ? and people always say ' buat jahat dibalas baik ' tapi, buat baik dibalas jahat? mcm tu? mia rasa mia patut jadi jht drpd jadi baik sbb there is no one who cares about me, apa yg mia buat, mesti akan di balas jahat, mungkin mia mmg tak cukup baik utk terima kebaikan, because no one would notice if i was doing smtg good for them, or maybe ini semua balasan utk mia atas kslhn yg mia buat dulu, mungkin :')

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

speak now !

Dear blog, hihihi, tadi mia and F pergi rumah B, our old plan was, ktrg nak buat suprise cupcake utk our beloved friend, S, sbb harini birthday dia. But, dia tak dtg! mcm phhhhffftttt, iye iye lah ktrg buat kek utk dia. And, dkt rumah B ada gitar, mia try lah main, tu pon F yg ajr, then mia belajar chord G, A, C and B je, chord lain tak habis sbb tali gitar B pon tggl 4 je :D lagi dua dah hlg sbb B cabut nak buat berus dawai utk basuh baju (Y) the exciting is, when mia dah tahu chord nak main lagu speak now !!! OMG OMG ! mia yg main tau ;D ktrg siap buat cover lagi, and we also had a lot of fun when we was making the video, and guess what, we have 33 video, yelah, bila nak buat cover je, F gelak, bila record balik, B pulak gelak, bila record lagi, mia pulak salah chord masa main guitar, byk betul problem :P tapiiiii mia boleh main gitar, yeay!! now my next vision, nak suruh my dad beli gitar utk mia pulak, harap haraplah berjaya, aminn