Saturday, December 3, 2011

Superhero Malaya

Dear readers, how's you doin? having fun with your holidays ? for me, hmmm, cool lah jugak (Y)
now the funny thing and thing that i've never think about. All this week, mia asyik mimpi psl my superhero Malaya, who else, our National Football Team player, tak boleh belah -,- ntah mcm mana ntah, berturut turut pulak tu. First day, mia mimpi apek, second day, mia mimpi Muslim, third mia mimpi Apek balik and the next day, mia mimpi, mia main bola with player Mlaysia, and we won,hahahaha, kebanyakan mimpi mia, Apek je yg byk amik port, Khairul Fahmi Che Mat, abe klate, bhahaha, tak boleh belah, kita tak minat apek kay :p tapi dia yg paling byk dlm mimpi kita, phhhhffffttt, sriously mimpi mcm syiiookk betul. Maksud dsebalik mimpi tu ? who knows ? only Allah yg tahu maksud yg tersirat and yg trsurat, tapi most of it mia enjoyy sgt sgt mimpi tu (Y), hahahaha :D

Kay, now we have enter December, bila mia ingat balik, cepat sgt masa berlalu, ingat lagi dulu dulu, masa first time masuk sekolah pada tahun 2011, ingat lagi bila mia yg tentukan tmpt duduk S, M and K, S duduk belah kanan mia, even tak duduk satu meja, tapi mia suruh jugak dia duduk sblh mia, M pulak duduk depan meja mia, and K pulak duduk belakang meja mia, hahahaha, so funny, ktrg dah cop mohor dulu tmpt duduk. Then ingat bila subjek sejarah, ktrg dpt watak sendiri, mia jadi Sultan Ali tau, Sultan Ali, ayahanda kepada Sultan Abd Rahman and Sultan Hussin, if mia tak silap, bukannya mia update blog smbil tgk buku sejarah pon -,- hahaha, and almost 2 years i've been with my lovely friends, i love yall, hope we last till we get married and so on <3

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